The discomfort that occurs as a result of deformation of the discs located between the vertebrae on the neck region due to sudden movement, excessive pressure or other reasons is called cervical disc herniation, that is, neck hernia. Commonly manifested by chronic neck pain and symptoms of limited mobility. neck herniaUnless treated, it is a disease that negatively affects the quality of life.
There are 7 vertebrae in the neck region of the body spine system and 5 discs with a flexible structure that support these vertebrae. These discs act as cushions between the vertebrae, helping to keep the vertebrae in alignment. Neck hernia is a disorder that occurs as a result of the discs being torn and deformed as a result of excessive pressure due to heavy lifting, sudden movements, injury or aging.
Neck painLow back pain and limitation of mobility are among the first common symptoms of neck hernia. If it is not treated for a long time, symptoms such as numbness in the arm, loss of sensation, difficulty in hand and arm muscles and decrease in hand skills can be seen over time. Like lumbar hernia, neck hernia can cause muscle spasm depending on the deformation rate of the discs, depending on the area where the nerves are compressed, or it can cause severe pain radiating to the back, arms and shoulders.
Although neck pain is among the most prominent symptoms of neck hernia, not every neck pain is caused by neck hernia. For the diagnosis and detection of neck hernia, a detailed physical examination and scan is performed on the patient first in order to determine the source of the pain and to observe it together with other symptoms. The results obtained can be evaluated together with the results of Magnetic Resonance or Computed Tomography, known as MRI, and the diagnosis of neck hernia can be made.
Waist and neck herniaThe situation faced in hernia treatments as the treatment of hernia varies according to the degree of hernia. Neck hernia can be treated with different physical therapy, therapy and rehabilitation methods without the need for surgical intervention, such as non-surgical lumbar hernia in general.
In neck hernia, if the discs do not exert excessive pressure on the spinal cord and nerve root, physical therapy programs carried out with neck support support, when deemed necessary, give successful results in the treatment of neck hernia. Physical therapy programs supported by various neck exercises to stretch and strengthen the neck muscles also help to eliminate postural disorders with basic posture positions and range of motion.
In physical therapy methods aimed at relieving neck pain and relaxing muscles with hot and cold therapies and hydrotherapy methods, with Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation called TENS, short and mild electric current is sent to key points in the nerve pathway to reduce muscle spasms. Finally, deep tissue massage, which is applied as a part of physical therapy, helps to relieve muscle tension due to nerve compression. To reach the gallery of some of the techniques we apply in the treatment of neck hernia Click here.
Another effective method among the non-surgical neck hernia treatment methods is the manual therapy method. Manual therapy method is a series of manual intervention methods to relieve pain caused by neck hernia and to eliminate joint movement limitation. Statistically, 90% success is achieved in the treatment of neck hernia with the manual therapy method, which is considered in two different groups, joint blockage and manipulation.
In the neck hernia massage performed with the hand pressure technique applied in the Manual Therapy method, pressure is applied to the tissues and muscles by targeting the nerves directly. The body is stimulated by the applied pressure, relief is provided on the muscles, it helps to heal the damaged tissues and it is aimed to reduce the pain in the soft tissues.
With the soft mobilization technique applied in the treatment of non-surgical neck hernia performed with manual therapy, the joints and the muscles around the joints are activated and the tension of the muscles is reduced. With joint mobilization, it is possible to loosen the affected joints, known colloquially as kulunç, and to increase the speed of movement. Finally, by targeting pain trigger points and working on posture disorders with the pull-stretch technique or the stretch and count technique, it helps to regain the mobility while ensuring that the body muscles progress at the normal tension level.