The spine system, which is called the spinal column in medical language, has a lordotic (C)-shaped curve at the neck and waist level and a kyphotic (S)-shaped curve at the back level, and the most important task of these curves is to protect the balance system on the body in the best way. As a result of the deformation on the spine for various reasons, distortions can be observed in the angles of the existing curves. The opening of the C-shaped curve, especially in the neck region, is called neck flattening.
Depending on the placement of the vertebrae on a healthy spine, there are various curves in the neck, back and waist regions to protect the body's structure and provide the best body movement. Forward curvature in the neck and lumbar region is called cervical lordosis, and curvature in the upper back region is called cervical kyphosis. Due to various reasons, excessive pressure on the spine causes deterioration in the placement of the vertebrae and openings occur in the angles of the curves. The distortion of this curvature on the neck area is called neck flattening.
The most important cause of neck straightening is posture disorder. Posture disorder, which occurs especially in girls as a result of wanting to hide their body during adolescence, can also occur when using heavy bags, staying at the computer for a long time, or placing the phone between the neck and head while talking on the phone.
Situations such as a sedentary life, increased desk work, long phone conversations and unfavorable working conditions are among the conditions that trigger neck straightening. In addition, spinal disorders such as scoliosis experienced during the development of the spine can also cause neck straightening.
Aging can also appear as a cause of neck flattening. The change in the amount of fluid in the discs with aging and the loss of elastic properties of the discs with fluid loss can cause degeneration on the vertebrae, which can cause neck flattening. In addition, bone collapse due to osteoporosis and increased humpback with old age can be shown among the causes of neck flattening.
The most prominent symptom of neck straightening is muscle pain. Severe neck pain on the neck region and accompanying back and neck pains negatively affect daily life and cause movement restriction. Other neck flattening symptoms observed with muscle pain include the following elements;
- Weakness in neck muscles and headache
Pain in the arms and numbness in the hands as a result of the pressure on the nerve roots
- Back pain
- Feeling that there is too much weight on the shoulders
– Posture Disorder
- Body coordination and balance disorder
– Inability to maintain advanced bladder control
Neck flattening is easily diagnosed by evaluating the results of MR film or CT scan applied together with detailed examination and examination performed on patients who are seen by a specialist doctor or physiotherapist with complaints of chronic neck and neck pain.
In many manual therapy centers located in Ankara, neck movements are examined in detail by specialist physiotherapists on patients who come with neck pain and problems, and body balance is observed by performing neck anatomy examination. Neck flattening can be diagnosed by combining the findings obtained with the cervical spine radiographs and MR film taken during the examination.
Neck flattening can be treated with physical therapy, rehabilitation, use of a medical neck collar, painkillers and muscle relaxants, without the need for surgical operation and health care, as in muscle disorders such as neck hernia in general. During the treatment, regular exercises to be performed under the control of specialist physiotherapists and avoiding repetitive and challenging movements of the neck vertebrae are of great importance.
After the diagnosis of neck flattening is made on patients who come to the manual therapy center, a treatment program is prepared according to the patient's symptoms and physical conditions. Along with this program, a physical therapy program is created, which is a prerequisite for recovery. Within the physical therapy program, it is based on strengthening the muscles with manual therapy, relieving the pressure on the spine by using the hand pressure technique, and regulating the bone structures by contributing to the relocation of the vertebrae. In addition to neck straightening non-surgical hernia We also recommend that you take a look at the content we have prepared about the treatment.
Successful recovery is observed on patients in rehabilitation programs supported by physical therapy and various neck and posture exercises afterwards. With the help of neck tractions, regular clinical exercises, and medical training, the patients are helped to eliminate the limitation of movement, and the patients are adapted to daily life by learning the correct posture technique.
Another treatment method followed in the treatment of neck straightening is the use of a medical neck collar recommended by specialist doctors or physiotherapists. The medical neck brace is used to stabilize the neck and ensure the correct performance of the neck posture together with the regular exercises taken during the physical therapy process, and it has positive effects on the course of recovery.
Cold water compression with ice packs that can be applied at home along with the treatment can also have a relieving effect on the pain as it will reduce the pressure on the muscles. It is aimed to relax the area with the help of cold water compress, which varies between 10 and 15 minutes, not necessarily by massaging on the painful area, and with the help of ice. Unlike cold water compresses, hot water bags or hot bath, hot shower or heated pillows also have therapeutic properties on neck and neck pain caused by neck flattening.
In the rehabilitation process, which is a part of the neck straightening treatment, the continuity of the exercises organized by expert physiotherapists is of great importance for adaptation to daily life and getting rid of the limitation of movement completely. At this stage, it is essential to avoid repetitive movements that cause neck pain, and especially those that force the neck vertebrae and muscles due to occupational conditions. In addition, trying to sleep in the right position and using an appropriate pillow are considered as an effective method to help the treatment result in success.
Neck straightening is a condition that affects life negatively due to severe muscle pain and limitation of movement, and if not treated, the pain that starts from the neck and shoulder will spread to the arms and back, and this situation will directly affect the regular sleep and working life conditions, making the patient unhappy and causing the pain to become chronic. . As long as the neck straightening is not treated, it continues to progress and can lead to more serious disorders such as headache, tinnitus and high blood pressure in more advanced stages, and it can also trigger problems such as urinary incontinence and stool incontinence.