Scoliosis, also known as curvature of the spine, is a spinal disorder that is mostly detected during adolescence, may occur due to congenital reasons or disorders such as cerebral palsy, although the cause is not known exactly, and causes such as vitamin deficiency, diabetes, spinal injuries, infection can be shown as a cause, and it is an active and active disease. It affects daily life negatively by creating restriction of movement in a life. In this article, there is informative content about what is scoliosis, how to treat it, 3D scoliosis treatment and more.
scoliosis spine curvature It is a congenital disorder and occurs when the spine is deformed and bent over 10 degrees to the right or left due to congenital, trauma or different reasons. Scoliosis, which is also defined as three-dimensional deformity, causes distortions by the displacement of the vertebrae to the right or left and at the same time rotating around their own axis. In a normal and healthy spine, the vertebrae lie in a straight line from top to bottom, while in people with scoliosis, the spine posture is likened to the letter C or S.
Scoliosis, which is usually detected in adolescence, that is, at the beginning of the developmental age, can sometimes be detected by chance with chest x-rays taken in the early period, or it can manifest itself with different posture disorders such as asymmetric shoulder posture, bulges in a part of the back or hips not standing at the same level.
Scoliosis generally causes shifts in the hip, shoulder blades and rib cage, and according to the statistics, it is more common especially in girls. Any overload to be applied on the developing and growing spine in developing children can trigger scoliosis and cause deformation in the spine. Therefore, in the light of statistical information, it is observed that 100 out of every 3 adolescents have a diagnosis of scoliosis.
Scoliosis is known as the oldest spinal deformity and is usually manifested by curving the spine to the right or left at an angle of more than 10 degrees. The curvature on the spine is among the most basic scoliosis symptoms, and the following symptoms are also decisive and reference for the diagnosis of scoliosis.
- One shoulder being more forward than the other shoulder
– Asymmetrical posture of the shoulders and hips
– Chronic Back, neck and backache
- Shortness of breath and fatigue
– Uneven shoulder blades and pelvis bones
- Swelling in one of the scapula
Scoliosis is classified according to the degree of spinal curvature that occurs as a result of the deformation of the spine. The degree of scoliosis curvature is of great importance for the successful progress of treatment methods, especially in the treatment of scoliosis.
Scoliosis grading is done by medical measurement using radiography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging and serves as a roadmap for the treatment program in scoliosis patients.
The degree of scoliosis curvature is grouped into three different stages, and spinal curvatures below 10 degrees are defined as spinal asymmetry and evaluated separately from scoliosis treatment, and are generally improved with manual therapy, medical pilates and exercise methods.
The first classification in scoliosis grading is mild curvature and these curvatures include spinal curvatures below 20 degrees. In mild scoliosis-type disorders, therapeutic clinical exercises based on the muscle structure and skeletal posture of the people are often sufficient for recovery.
Spinal curvatures between 20 and 40 degrees are classified as moderate, and manual therapy and clinical exercises combined with corset-supported physical therapy applications constitute a successful recovery program in the diagnosis of this type of scoliosis.
Although scoliosis is a spinal condition that can generally be treated without surgical intervention, spinal curvatures of more than 40 degrees are curvatures above the medium level, and in this type of curvature, severe pressure occurs on the rib cage and lungs, and as a result of this pressure, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. serious problems may occur. In this type of scoliosis, which is called severe curvature, scoliosis surgery is among the most basic treatment methods to be applied.
Although scoliosis surgery is not defined as a frequently used treatment method, it is of great importance for the rehabilitation programs to be applied afterward and for the treatment of Scoliosis disease and for people to continue their daily lives. Scoliosis rehabilitation programs include a series of clinical exercise programs supported by manual therapy and are carried out under the control of expert physiotherapists.
Statistically, the causes of 80% of Scoliosis disorders, which can occur as a result of many different causes such as congenital developmental disorders and trauma-related cases, are unknown. This type of scoliosis of unknown cause is called idiopathic scoliosis and is seen at a higher rate in adolescent girls.
Scoliosis type that occurs as a result of structural disorders of the spine that occurs during the development of the child in the mother's womb is called congenital scoliosis, and Congenital Scoliosis, which progresses rapidly in the first years, can be controlled with early treatment.
Another common type of scoliosis after idiopathic scoliosis, which is caused by muscle and nerve diseases, is called Neuromuscular Scoliosis. It may occur as a result of deformation or muscle diseases on the nerves on the brain and spinal cord and can be frequently encountered in syndromes such as cerebral palsy and polio.
Today, scoliosis can be treated with different physical therapy, manual therapy, exercise and rehabilitation methods, without the need for surgical intervention, according to curvature ratings. The most basic factor that can help the treatment result in success is to prepare the treatment program specifically for the person and to apply it regularly at regular intervals.
Manual Therapy In the scoliosis treatment applications carried out successfully in Ankara Healthy Life Center, the treatment steps are determined as a result of a detailed examination and examination, taking into account the degree of curvature of the scoliosis, the type of scoliosis, how fast it progresses, the physical values of the patient, and the spine and muscle structural mobility.
Widely used in the treatment of scoliosis, the Schroth Method developed by Katharina Schroth, who is also a scoliosis patient, is a treatment method that does not require surgical intervention with breathing technique and exercises. Three-dimensional scoliosis exercises, developed to rotate, lengthen and stabilize the vertebrae, are an important part of the Scroth method, and it is aimed to support the vertebrae correctly with regular exercises, by strengthening the muscles with correct breathing, as well as improving the deformations in the rib cage with breathing exercises.
Scoliosis occurs when the spine is curved to the right or left, and during this bending, the spines rotate around their own axis, causing deformation in the shape of the ribs and a hump-like protrusion on the back may occur. In cases where the degree of scoliosis curvature is not severe, and especially in growing children groups, corsets are used to prevent the progression of scoliosis and to help shape the spine correctly.
In the treatment of scoliosis applied with a brace, the primary goal is to stop the curvature. In the treatment of brace-supported scoliosis, which is continued by gradually increasing the duration of use, it is aimed to prevent the progression of scoliosis and to return the body, spine and skeletal system to their former form. The treatment is 80% successful, especially in growing patients, and improvement is observed in the treatment process with clinical exercises.
Another method commonly used in the treatment of scoliosis is physical therapy. The application of physical therapy method under the control of expert physiotherapists is of great importance for the successful recovery process of the treatment. Although physical therapy alone is often not sufficient, it is possible to completely cure scoliosis without resorting to surgical methods, thanks to manual therapy support and personalized clinical exercise programs.