
Neck Flattening

There are certain curves in our spine to ensure proper mobility and balance. These curves are forward C-shaped on our neck and waist, and C-shaped backwards on our back. The distortion of this curve in the neck is called neck flattening.

Neck flattening can have many causes. Posture disorders, long-term use of the phone, sitting for a long time at the head, carrying heavy bags are some of them. Spinal disorders such as scoliosis can also cause neck straightening. As age progresses, the decrease in the amount of fluid in the discs in the spine, changes in the bone structure due to osteoporosis, and an increase in the hump are among the causes of neck straightening.

First of all, a patient with neck flattening should be evaluated well and the reason for this flattening should be found. As a holistic, we find the cause of your neck flattening with the bio-psycho-social model and choose the treatment methods specific to you for this reason. The treatments we apply are manual therapy, mobilization and manipulation methods, massage, special exercises, daily living activities. With these methods that we have created for you, you can be treated quickly and permanently without surgery.

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