
Non-Surgical Neck Hernia Treatment

What is Neck Hernia?

Neck hernia is a condition in which one of the discs in the neck region (cervical spine) is damaged and protrudes from the spine. This condition is also often called cervical disc hernia or cervical disc prolapse.

Our spine is made up of a series of bones (vertebrae) stacked on top of each other, and between these bones are discs. These discs act as a kind of "shock absorber" between the vertebrae and keep the spine flexible. Each disc consists of two parts called the annulus fibrosus, which is a hard fibrous tissue on the outside, and the nucleus pulposus, which has a gel-like substance inside.

Neck hernia is a condition that causes weakening of the annulus fibrosus part of the discs and protrusion of the nucleus pulposus. This can compress the spinal cord and nerve roots, causing pain and other symptoms.

Neck hernia symptoms may include:

1- Neck pain

2- Pain, numbness or tingling in the shoulder, arm or hand

3- Weakness in the hand

4- Loss of coordination, especially in the hands

This condition usually develops with age because discs can wear out and weaken over time. However, it can also occur as a result of trauma or injury. Treatment options depend on the severity of the condition and symptoms and usually include pain management, physical therapy or surgery.

Non-Surgical Neck Hernia Treatment Physiotherapy Methods

Physiotherapy often plays an important role in the treatment of neck hernia without surgery. Physiotherapy can help manage symptoms, relieve pain, increase flexibility, and strengthen neck and shoulder muscles. Here are some physiotherapy methods that can be used for neck hernia:

1- Exercise Programs: Physiotherapists can design specific exercise programs that will strengthen neck and shoulder muscles and increase flexibility. This can improve your posture, relieve your pain, and prevent further injury.

2- Manual Therapy: Physiotherapists may use manual therapy techniques on your neck and shoulder area to increase your neck mobility and relieve pain. This may include massage, manipulation and mobilization techniques.

3- Posture Training: Physiotherapists can teach you how to correct your posture to help relieve neck pain and prevent further injury.

4- Heat and Cold Therapy: Heat applications can help relax muscles and relieve pain, while cold applications can reduce swelling.

5- Electrical Nerve Stimulation: A method such as TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) can help manage pain symptoms.

6- Ergonomic Arrangements: Physiotherapists can help you make your daily activities or workplace more ergonomic. This creates less stress and tension and can relieve the symptoms of a herniated disc.

These are some of the commonly used physiotherapy techniques for patients with neck hernia. However, every patient is different, and the treatment plan should be individualized based on the severity of symptoms, overall health, and specific needs. Therefore, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting this type of treatment.

The Importance of Manual Therapy in Neck Hernia

Manual therapy may have an important role in the treatment of neck hernia. Manual therapy consists of a set of techniques that a physical therapist applies to specific parts of the body with his hand. Here is the importance of manual therapy in the treatment of neck hernia:

Pain Relief: Manual therapy techniques can often help relieve pain. This is especially important for managing pain from a cervical hernia.

Increasing Flexibility and Mobility: Manual therapy can increase the mobility and flexibility of the neck area. This is important in situations where movement is restricted, for example in patients with neck hernia.

Reducing Muscle Tension: Manual therapy can help reduce muscle tension. This can reduce the muscle spasms and stiffness that develops due to a herniated disc.

Increasing Blood Circulation: Manual therapy can increase blood circulation, allowing nutrients to reach the injured area and speed up the healing process.

Increasing Functional Capacity: A suitable manual therapy program can help patients with neck hernia to continue their daily lives and activities more comfortably.

Manual therapy should be performed by an experienced healthcare professional and should be tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Like any treatment option, manual therapy has potential risks, so it's important to talk to a healthcare professional before starting treatment.

The manual therapy method is applied by our physiotherapist team in our Ankara center. This treatment method has many advantages. This treatment, which has no side effects, can be safely applied in patients with chronic diseases. Successful results can be achieved from the first session and high success rates are seen throughout the treatment process. The treatment is applied directly to the damaged area by hand, which ensures results are often successful.

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