
Mechanical Low Back Pain Treatment

What is Mechanical Low Back Pain?

Mechanical low back pain is a type of low back pain that usually originates from spinal structures such as muscles, ligaments, joints or discs. This type of back pain can occur during physical activities, sitting in the wrong positions, or after prolonged inactivity.

Causes of mechanical low back pain may include:

1. Muscle and ligament strains: Sudden and compelling movements during physical activities can cause strain and stretching of the muscles and ligaments in the lower back. For example, heavy lifting, turning suddenly, or sitting for long periods of time can cause mechanical low back pain.

2. Disk problems: The discs located between the spine can be exposed to constant pressure or trauma. Wear of the discs or slipped disc (herniation) can cause mechanical low back pain.

3. Problems of the spinal joints: Problems in the joints of the spine can contribute to low back pain. For example, osteoarthritis or low back joint dysfunctions may be associated with mechanical low back pain.

4. Inactivity: Prolonged inactivity or prolonged incorrect postures can lead to weakening and stiffening of the lower back muscles. This can also contribute to mechanical low back pain.

Mechanical low back pain symptoms are usually in the form of pain, tension or stiffness. The pain is usually felt in the lumbar region, but can sometimes radiate to the hips or thighs. Pain usually increases during activity and is relieved by rest.

Mechanical low back pain is usually managed with conservative treatment methods. These may include rest, pain medications, hot or cold compresses, physical therapy, exercises, and posture correction. The treatment plan is determined individually according to the cause, severity and condition of the low back pain. In cases of prolonged or severe back pain, it is important to consult your doctor.

Mechanical Low Back Pain Treatment

Treatment of mechanical low back pain usually includes conservative methods. Here are some methods used to treat mechanical low back pain:

1. Rest: It is important for people with low back pain to rest. Limiting activities and avoiding strenuous movements can help the lower back heal. However, prolonged bed rest is not recommended. Maintaining inactive postures for a long time can lead to weakening of the muscles and increase in pain.

2. Drug therapy: To relieve pain and reduce inflammation, your doctor may recommend prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-inflammatory drugs. However, it is important to consult your doctor before using these drugs.

3. Physical therapy: Physical therapy is an effective method in the management of mechanical low back pain. The physical therapist may use exercises, manual therapy, and various modalities to strengthen the lower back muscles, increase flexibility, improve posture, and reduce pain.

4. Heat or cold application: Hot or cold applications can be used to relieve lower back pain. Warming can relax muscles and increase blood flow. Cold application can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. The method to be applied should be determined by the doctor or physiotherapist at a certain time and frequency.

5. Exercise program: Specially designed exercises are very important in the treatment of low back pain. It is recommended to perform exercises that strengthen the lower back muscles, increase flexibility and help correct posture. However, it is important that the exercise program is determined individually and applied appropriately. It is recommended to be done under the guidance of a physiotherapist or an expert exercise specialist.

6. Posture correction: Incorrect posture or bad posture can trigger low back pain. Adopting correct postures and performing posture correction exercises ensures correct alignment of the waist and reduces pain.

Mechanical low back pain treatment can vary according to each individual's condition and the severity of the pain. It is important to consult a doctor or physiotherapist for low back pain treatment. In consultation with the specialist, a personalized treatment plan can be created and the healing process can be followed.

The Importance of Physical Therapy in Mechanical Low Back Pain

Physical therapy is of great importance in the treatment of mechanical low back pain. Here are the points where physical therapy is important in mechanical low back pain:

1. Reducing pain: Physical therapy helps to reduce the pain caused by mechanical low back pain. Applied therapy techniques are used to relieve pain and provide relief.

2. Muscle strengthening: Physical therapy programs aim to strengthen the muscles that support the waist. Strengthening exercises help strengthen muscles, increase stability, and increase resistance to injury.

3. Increased flexibility and mobility: Physical therapy includes exercises to increase the flexibility of the muscles and tissues in the lumbar region. In this way, the range of motion is increased, the muscles are relaxed and the mobility is improved.

4. Posture correction: Physiotherapy guides to maintain correct posture and correct bad posture. Correct posture ensures correct alignment of the waist and preservation of the natural curves of the spine.

5. Functional rehabilitation: Physical therapy focuses on activities of daily living and the process of returning to work. Functional rehabilitation programs aim to reduce the effects of low back pain on daily life and restore functionality.

6. Education and self-care: The physical therapy process provides information and education to the patient about low back pain. It is important for patients to be informed about home exercises and precautions that they can apply on their own.

Physical therapy plays an effective role in the management and healing process of mechanical low back pain. Consulting a physiotherapist for the treatment of low back pain ensures that the correct diagnosis is made, an appropriate treatment plan is created and the process is followed.

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