
Medical Massage

What is Medical Massage?

Medical massage is a massage method applied for medical purposes. This method is a type of massage in which certain techniques are used to help treat certain medical conditions. Medical massage is applied by a physiotherapist, massage therapist or medical professional and is tailored to the individual based on a specific medical diagnosis.

The main purpose of medical massage is to reduce pain, relieve muscle tension, increase circulation, resolve muscle spasms and promote healing. This method can be used for a variety of medical conditions, such as:

1. Musculoskeletal Disorders: Medical massage can be used to treat muscle strains, muscle spasms, muscle tension, tendonitis, bursitis, fibromyalgia and other musculoskeletal conditions.

2. Injury and Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: After injuries or surgical interventions, healing of tissues and restoring normal functions can be promoted through medical massage.

3. Rheumatic Diseases: In rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, medical massage can reduce pain, increase mobility and improve quality of life.

4. Nervous System Disorders: For nervous system disorders such as nerve entrapment, neuritis, and neuropathy, medical massage can provide nerve relief and relieve symptoms.

Medical massage should be applied by a professional specialist. The specialist will assess the patient's medical history and specific needs to determine appropriate techniques and times. In any case, care should be taken to ensure that the person performing the medical massage is a trained and experienced healthcare professional.

What is the Purpose of Medical Massage?

The purpose of medical massage is to assist medical treatment and contribute to the improvement of certain medical conditions. Medical massage is a type of massage that uses certain techniques and has a medical purpose. Here are the main purposes of medical massage:

1. Reducing Pain: Medical massage uses special techniques to relieve pain. Through massage, it helps to reduce pain by reducing muscle tension and muscle spasms. In addition, massage increases blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be transported to the aching areas.

2. Relieve Muscle Tension: Medical massage includes techniques applied to relieve tension and compression in the muscles. Tension and spasms in the muscles can cause limitation of movement and pain. Medical massage aims to increase mobility by relaxing the muscles and to restore the natural function of the muscles.

3. Increasing Circulation: Massage increases blood flow by stimulating the circulatory system. This helps transport more oxygen and nutrients to body tissues, while also supporting the removal of waste materials. Better circulation promotes healing and helps keep tissues healthy.

4. Promoting Healing: Medical massage can be used to accelerate recovery after injuries or surgical interventions. Massage stimulates the healing process in tissues, promotes wound healing and helps restore normal functions.

5. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Massage helps reduce stress by providing physical and mental relaxation. Stress can worsen the symptoms of many medical conditions and negatively affect the healing process. Medical massage triggers the relaxation response, reducing stress and providing a general sense of relaxation.

Medical massage should be administered by a medical professional. The specialist plans the treatment individually by evaluating the patient's medical history and special needs.

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