
Mechanical Low Back Pain

What is Mechanical Low Back Pain?

Mechanical low back pain is a painful condition caused by structural or functional problems in the low back area. This type of low back pain usually occurs as a result of mechanical stress or damage to structures in the lumbar region such as muscles, discs, joint surfaces or ligaments.

The main causes of mechanical low back pain can be:

1. Muscle Strain or Injury: Excessive stretching of the muscles in the lumbar region can lead to muscle strain or tear. This can cause pain and muscle spasms.

2. Disk Problems: Weakening or tearing of the annulus fibrosus, which is the outer part of the gel (nucleus pulposus) found in the discs in the lumbar region, may cause conditions such as disc herniation or slipped disc. This can put pressure on the nerve roots, causing pain and discomfort.

3. Joint Problems: Pain may occur as a result of abrasion, inflammation or injury on the joint surfaces between the vertebrae in the lumbar region. For example, conditions such as facet joint syndrome or sacroiliac joint dysfunction can cause mechanical low back pain.

4. Ligament Strain or Tearing: Strains or tears in the ligaments in the lumbar region can cause low back pain. In particular, injury to the ligaments that provide the stability of the lower back and hold the vertebrae together can cause pain.

5. Wrong Posture and Movement Pattern: Prolonged incorrect posture, irregular movements or overload may cause mechanical stress on the structures in the lumbar region. This may contribute to the development of mechanical low back pain.

Mechanical low back pain usually increases or decreases with movement. Treatment methods such as rest, repositioning, or low back exercises can usually relieve symptoms. However, if low back pain is severe or persists for a long time or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.

Mechanical Low Back Pain Treatment

The treatment for mechanical low back pain may vary depending on the severity of the symptoms and their cause. Here are the commonly used methods for the treatment of mechanical low back pain:

1. Rest and Activity Change: It is important to rest and avoid overly strenuous activities during painful periods. Low-impact positions and low-impact exercises should be preferred.

2. Painkillers and Anti-Inflammatory Medicines: Pain relievers or anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, at the recommendation of your doctor. These medications should be used short-term and should be taken according to your doctor's instructions.

3. Physical Therapy and Exercise: Physical therapy plays an important role in the treatment of mechanical low back pain. The physiotherapist applies special exercises and therapy techniques to strengthen the muscles in the lumbar region, increase flexibility and correct posture. These exercises can relieve pain, improve function, and reduce the risk of recurrence.

4. Heat or Cold Application: Hot or cold application can be applied to relieve pain and relax the muscles. Heat application usually relaxes the muscles, while cold application can help reduce inflammation. The duration and frequency of application should be determined by the doctor or physiotherapist.

5. Posture and Movement Training: Correct posture and movement can help reduce back pain. It is important to follow the instructions on posture training and correct body mechanics given by your physical therapist.

6. Alternative Treatment Methods: In the treatment of mechanical low back pain, some people may prefer alternative treatment methods. For example, methods such as massage therapy, osteopathy or chiropractic can help relieve pain. However, it is important that the person performing these treatments is an experienced and licensed healthcare professional.

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