
Reformer – Instrument Pilates

Reformer is a special tool that Pilates exercises are done. In addition to Pilates mat work, exercises on the Reformer also improve the body's strength, flexibility and balance skills.

The Reformer is a platform designed in the form of a slide, with springs, straps and levers on it. These properties are used to provide body resistance and support. The Reformer helps to balance the muscles and correct muscle imbalances in the body by ensuring the correct alignment of the body.

The exercises performed on the reformer are controlled movements that work the whole body and allow the muscles to work long and powerfully. These exercises target the deep abdominal and back muscles, hip and leg muscles, upper body and arm muscles. Exercises performed on the reformer increase the flexibility of the body, while also improving muscle strength and endurance.

The Reformer is designed to be suitable for various levels of exercise. Both beginners and more experienced individuals can work on the Reformer. A customized exercise program is created according to the needs and abilities of each individual.

In addition to Pilates exercises, the Reformer is an effective tool used in physical therapy, rehabilitation and improving sports performance. Guided by healthcare professionals, Reformer exercises improve posture, increase flexibility, improve strength, and provide balance and stability throughout the body.

However, it is important to receive training from an expert Pilates instructor before starting the Reformer exercises. Learning the right form and techniques will allow you to exercise safely and reap maximum benefits.

Benefits of Instrument Pilates

Instrument Pilates is a form of Pilates exercises, especially with instruments such as the Reformer. Instrumental Pilates provides many benefits such as strengthening the body, increasing flexibility, improving balance and aligning the body. Here are some of the benefits of instrumental Pilates:

1. Muscle Strength and Flexibility: Instrumented Pilates exercises help strengthen and lengthen all body muscles. The tools provide resistance to the muscles and promote muscle strengthening. In this way, the body gains a tighter and toned appearance.

2. Balance and Stability: Exercises on instruments improve balance and stability. The tools provide support to run the body in a balanced way and help correct muscle imbalances in the body. This provides better balance and coordination in daily activities and sports performance.

3. Posture Improvement: Instrumented Pilates helps correct posture. The instruments teach to keep the body in the correct position by ensuring correct alignment. This supports the alignment of the spine, corrects poor posture and improves posture.

4. Injury Rehabilitation: Instrumental Pilates can be used effectively in the rehabilitation process after physical injuries. The tools help strengthen muscles and increase flexibility with controlled movements. In this way, post-injury power loss is eliminated, the range of motion expands and the body supports the healing process.

5. Mental Concentration: Instrumental Pilates exercises require mental concentration. Mind and body must work in harmony for each movement to be performed in a controlled and correct manner. This improves mental focus and stress management skills.

6. General Well-Being: Instrumental Pilates exercises relax the body, increase energy levels and reduce stress. When done regularly, instrumental Pilates improves both physical and mental health and promotes an overall well-being.

Instrument Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. However, it is important to be guided by a Pilates instructor to learn proper form and techniques. Working under expert guidance to create a program tailored to individual needs provides the most effective results.

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