
Shoulder Impingment Syndrome Treatment

What is Shoulder Impingement Syndrome?

Shoulder impingement syndrome (subacromial impingement syndrome) is a condition that occurs as a result of compression of the bones, muscles and tendons in the shoulder joint. There is a gap between the shoulder bone called the acromion in the shoulder joint and the muscle and tendon group called the rotator cuff. The tendons in this space allow the shoulder to be moved.

Shoulder impingement syndrome usually occurs as a result of repetitive shoulder movements or working with high arms continuously. In this case, the acromion on the shoulder bone compresses the tendons and soft tissues, causing pain, inflammation and restricted mobility. As a result, it becomes difficult to move the shoulder and pain occurs.

Symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome may include:

1. Shoulder pain: Pain is felt on the upper and outer side of the shoulder. The pain is usually increased during raising the shoulder or working with the side arms.

2. Limitation of movement: The range of motion of the shoulder is narrowed. Especially when lifting the shoulder upwards or working with the side arms, movement restriction is felt.

3. Feeling of weakness: People with shoulder impingement syndrome may experience a feeling of weakness or weakness in the shoulder and arm muscles. This can affect the shoulder's ability to use its normal strength.

4. Night pain: Night pain is common in people with shoulder impingement syndrome. The pain may increase, especially when lying on the side or lying on the shoulder.

Treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome is mostly done with conservative methods. These methods include rest, physical therapy, exercise programs, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If symptoms persist or worsen despite conservative treatments, surgical intervention may be required. Surgical options may include loosening the acromion or releasing the tendons. In case of suspected shoulder impingement syndrome, it is important to consult an orthopedic specialist. The specialist will make the correct diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment methods.

How Is Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Treated?

Shoulder impingement syndrome can be treated with various methods. Treatment usually focuses on reducing pain, controlling inflammation, restoring and strengthening the mobility of the shoulder. Treatment options for shoulder impingement syndrome include:

Rest: The first step in reducing pain and inflammation in the shoulder is resting the shoulder joint. Limiting activities and reducing the load on the shoulder can help the healing process.
2. Physical therapy: Physical therapy is an important treatment modality to restore the mobility and strength of the shoulder. Special exercises, posture correction, stretching and strengthening movements applied by the physiotherapist strengthen the shoulder muscles and increase stability.
3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): You can take NSAIDs prescribed by your doctor to reduce pain and inflammation. However, it is important to use these drugs for long-term use in accordance with the direction of your doctor.
4. Corticosteroid injections: In case of severe pain, your doctor may recommend corticosteroid injections to the shoulder area. These injections can quickly reduce pain and inflammation. However, their long-term effects may be limited and repeated injections may be needed.
5. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment: PRP treatment can also be used in the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome. In this treatment method, platelets obtained from the patient's own blood are enriched and injected into the injured area. The growth factors contained in the platelets promote healing and can accelerate the healing process of the shoulder.
6. Surgical intervention: If symptoms persist or worsen despite conservative treatments, surgical intervention may be required. Surgical options may include loosening the acromion, removing bony spurs to reduce compression, or releasing the tendons.

Surgical treatment is usually used as a last resort and surgical options are evaluated depending on the patient's condition and the severity of the symptoms.

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