
Medical Massage

What is Medical Massage Therapy?

Unlike traditional massages, medical massage focuses on a specific medical diagnosis and is administered as part of a doctor's treatment plan. It is a type of massage that can be recommended for various conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and migraine. While not a specific style of massage per se, it is a type of massage in which a specialist applies a combination of various available massage techniques to achieve a medical goal specific to the patient's condition. For many chronic problems, they may opt for medical massage as part of a broader physical therapy regimen. From an employee who suffers back or neck pain while sitting to an athlete who pulls a muscle while playing sports, the practice uses common massage techniques to treat localized issues. Training in this area may include stretching and trigger point therapy.

Why is Medical Massage Therapy an Effective Method?

Medical massage has been shown to be highly effective in reducing future chronic pain conditions by effectively addressing the root of the problem. Current studies show that most of the pain in chronic conditions, over 80%, is due to soft tissue injuries and 74% is directly related to trigger points. Apart from eliminating the root of the pain and helping the individual lead a less painful life, medical massage therapy is also very cost effective. Less time is spent dealing with the side effects of pain-reducing drugs. Manual Therapy Did you know that experts apply medical massage therapy in Ankara's state-of-the-art facilities? You can start your treatment immediately by making an appointment with our therapy center.

Benefits of Medical Massage Therapy

The specific benefit of medical massage therapy depends on the condition being treated. However, the overall benefits of treatment include:

• Relieving sore and muscle stiffness, which can increase blood flow to soft tissues and increase tactile sensitivity.

• Nerve compression and pressure relief.

• Inactivation of myofascial trigger points.

• Reduction of pain and inflammation.

• Improving circulation and reducing stress.

• It helps digestion.

• Increasing flexibility and range of motion.

• Calms the nervous system.

• Improved coordination and posture.

• Helps prevent future chronic pain conditions.

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